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DS (Directory Sort)
Description: Sorts entries in a directory and can also sort entries in all
Syntax: Version 3.0, 3.1: DS (sort-order) [(path)] [/S]
Version 4.0: DS (sort-order) [(path)] [/S]
DS [(path)] [/D0 | /D1 | D2][[[/F(n)]
[/B(n)]] | /BW | /TV]
Version 4.5: DS (sort-order) [(path)] [/S]
DS [(path)] [/D0 | /D1] [/BW] [/NOSNOW]
(sort-order) One or more characters that define the order and sequence by
which you want to sort the current or specified directory
path. Type the character:
N for filename
E for file extension
D for create date
T for create time
S for file size
Concatenate the characters in the order by which you want to
sort the directory entries. In versions 3.1 and later, follow
any character in (sort order) with a minus sign character (-)
to sort in descending sequence. If you do not provide (sort
order) in versions 4.0 and 4.5, DS displays a full screen menu
that you use to define the sort order. See the notes below for
information about how to use the menu system.
(path) The full name (C:\WP\LETTERS) of the directory you want to
sort. The current directory is the default.
/B(n) Specifies the background color for the menu system in version
4.0 if you do not specify (sort-order). Use an integer from 0
through 15 to specify the color. If you attempt to specify
identical foreground and background colors, DS adds one to the
foreground color number before beginning execution. Avoid
using the high-intensity shade of a color for the foreground
with the normal-intensity shade of the same color for the
background (for example, /F12 bright red and /B4 red). The
default is /B1 (blue). See <NUCOLOR>.
/BW Specifies a black-and-white display.
/D0 Requests the standard screen driver (the default) for a fully
IBM-compatible computer system.
/D1 Requests the screen driver for a BIOS-compatible computer
/D2 Requests the ANSI.SYS driver for a non-IBM- compatible
computer system.
/F(n) Specifies the foreground color for the menu system in version
4.0 if you do not specify (sort order). Use an integer from 0
through 15 to specify the color. The default is /F15 (bright
white). See <NUCOLOR>.
/NOSNOW Prevents screen flicker if your system has an older CGA card.
/S Sorts all files in all subdirectories under the specified
path. In versions 4.0 and 4.5, DS ignores this switch if you
do not specify (sort order).
/TV Indicates that the utility is running under either TopView or
Microsoft Windows.
║ Warning: ║
║ ║
║ If you turn off your computer while DS is sorting entries, you might ║
║ damage your directory. ║
DS places the sorted subdirectory entries ahead of sorted file entries in the
target directory. In versions 4.0 and later, use the menu mode to alter this
sequence. <NUDSG01) shows a sample directory sort menu for versions 4.0 and
To specify the sort order, first press either the Tab key or the letter C to
move the cursor to the right side of the menu. Then type the letter N, E, D,
T, or S to choose the sort order. Type a minus-sign character (-) after any
letter to indicate descending sequence.
You can also manuall sequence individual entries. From the left side of the
menu, use the arrow keys and the Spacebar to select the individual entries
you want to move. After marking the entries, press M to begin the move and
the Enter key to complete the move. Press W to write the changes to disk.
Exit the menu by pressing either F10 or Escape.
Example: Sort the directory \UTIL\NORT and all its subdirectories by
file extension and by size.
Enter: DS ES \util\nort /S